RATHER GET LEGAL ADVICE OVER COFFEE OR ON THE PHONE to discuss a lawsuit, examine a contract, review a letter received, talk over a credit report question, get advice regarding a debt, or get informal help with any legal problem? Meet an experienced attorney over coffee at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop to comfortably get legal advise. Or, we can talk over the phone if you prefer. One flat fee, no further obligation.
HAVE A SMALL CLAIMS CASE BUT WANT AN INFORMAL LEGAL CONSULTATION? Sit down in a relaxed environment and ask all your legal questions about your case and what to keep in mind for your day in court representing yourself. Or, as above, we can talk over the phone if you prefer. One flat fee, no further obligation.
The cost for up to 1 hour is a flat fee of $350. Limited scope with no further obligation.
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E-mail us: doukas@northcounty.attorney